For business champions aspiring to grow their business through email marketing, we at InfoCleanse provide answers to frequently asked questions.

B2B and, depending on client requirements, B2C.

It depends on the data you would like to cleanse/append, please contact us to know exact time frame for the services gets delivered.

InfoCleanse has a gigantic directory of the database. We have millions of recorded data that we aim to curate in your services to give you an excellent experience. Our database carries an accuracy rate of 90-95% as we update it from time to time.

Email marketing is the most cost-effective medium of digital marketing to reach and engage with customers. Therefore, we ensure that our database is accurate and compliant with anti-spam law. It is fully protected and supports the quality of the database too.

While availing the service from InfoCleanse, clients need to make payment before service through wire transfers or pay by cheque. For further information, you can connect with our executives and seek proper guidance.

We generally support all common types of formats like word, excel, csv, Open Office formats, SQL formats, and more. Contact us for further queries related to data services.


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